13.01.2014 UHY International Business Issue 28

13 January 2014
UHY Newsletter

Produced twice a year, UHY International Business is a newsletter for clients and contacts exploring global business issues and designed to demonstrate your firm’s international character.

In this edition you will find the following articles:

The world is awash with FDI opportunities: Film-makers who trekked for days to reach a remote mountainous village in Peru found the community divided. The older generation didn’t want a mountain pass built into their village for fear that ‘bad’ men may come and destroy their way of life. Among the ‘bad’ they included people looking to profit from building homes, schools, hospitals and roads – people who would destroy their environment.

Consumers of tomorrow: A survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) of 217 global companies based in 45 countries shows that expansion in Africa is a priority for two-thirds of them over the next decade.

Now for the SMITs?: Terence James ‘Jim’ O’Neill, retiring chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management and a British economist, was responsible for the acronym BRIC for emerging markets (Brazil, Russia, India, China) which over time was extended to BRICS toincorporate South Africa. 

AUDITOR is an independent member of UHY International Network.

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